
The fishHook R package enables agile statistical analysis of coding and non-coding mutational recurrence in cancer through generalized linear modeling (GLM) of somatic mutation densities and their heterogeneity along the genome. fishHook can be applied to the analysis of any collection of genomic intervals (e.g. genes, enhancers, promoters, genomic tiles) or complex sets of intervals (e.g. genes sets representing pathways, enhancer sets known to interact with a gene). The fishHook package is integrated with GenomicRanges and data.table packages, allowing easy incorporation into bioinformatics workflows that employ the R/Bioconductor ecosystem.

fishHook enables nomination of loci following the correction of known covariates of neutral mutation, e.g. chromatin state, replication timing, and nucleotide context. The goal of fishHook is to identify cancer drivers, i.e. loci that are under positive somatic selection and accumulate mutations above “background”. This analysis hinges on the application of a correct null / background model, i.e. one that yields near-uniform Q-Q plots for P value distributions.

Though we provide pre-computed covariates and a “black box” command-line tool that applies several generic exome and whole genome analyses, the key power of fishHook lies in its customizability. This includes the ability to easily incorporate custom covariates and provide a framework for the generation and fitting of bespoke models to nominate loci, e.g. modeling variant- and tumor-type specific background mutational processes.

For installation instructions, please visit the fishHook github page. For background, it may help to have some familiarity with data.table, GenomicRanges, and gUtils packages.

If you use fishHook in your work, please cite: Imielinski, Guo, Meyerson. Cell. 2017 Jan 26;168(3):460-472.

Driver discovery in cancer whole exomes

We will demonstrate a quick whole exome analysis using public TCGA lung adenocarcinoma mutation data. Additional packages like gTrack and rtracklayer will help with data import and visualization, but are not necessary to run fishHook.


Read in data

Read in the mutation data and additional tracks that we will use in this analysis.

## mutation calls cached from public GDAC Broad firehose
mutations = dt2gr(fread('')) ## using data.table::fread to read maf and gUtils::dt2gr to convert to GRanges

## GENCODE v19 genes these are our "hypotheses"
genes = gr.sub(import('')) # rtracklayer::import reads gtf and gr.sub replaces chr
genes = genes %Q% (gene_type == 'protein_coding') %Q% (level<3)  # %Q% is a gUtils subsetting operator for GRanges

## protein coding CDS definitions
cds = readRDS(gzcon(file('')))

## bigWig file of fractional coverage of hg19 positions by Agilent exome
## we will use this in combination with cds to define eligible positions
exomecov = import('')

Take a peek at our mutations GRanges object:

head(mutations[, c('Tumor_Sample_Barcode', 'Variant_Type', 'Variant_Classification', 'Reference_Allele', 'Tumor_Seq_Allele2')])
## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 5 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |         Tumor_Sample_Barcode
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |                  <character>
##   [1]        1    905907      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##   [2]        1   1192480      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##   [3]        1   1854885      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##   [4]        1   9713992      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##   [5]        1  12908093      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##   [6]        1  17257855      + | TCGA-05-4249-01A-01D-1105-08
##       Variant_Type Variant_Classification Reference_Allele
##        <character>            <character>      <character>
##   [1]          SNP      Missense_Mutation                A
##   [2]          SNP                 Silent                C
##   [3]          SNP                    IGR                G
##   [4]          SNP                 Intron                G
##   [5]          SNP      Missense_Mutation                C
##   [6]          SNP      Missense_Mutation                C
##       Tumor_Seq_Allele2
##             <character>
##   [1]                 T
##   [2]                 A
##   [3]                 C
##   [4]                 A
##   [5]                 A
##   [6]                 T
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome

Instantiate FishHook object from events and eligible territory

First we define the “eligible territory”. This is a key component of all somatic mutational recurrence analyses, since much of the genome is not covered in sequencing studies. For example, in a whole exome sequencing dataset, less than 2% of the genome is reliably captured. In a targeted sequencing panel, this fraction will be even smaller. Even in whole genome sequencing using Illumina short reads, only a subset (70%) of the genome is reliably callable (Li Bioinformatics 2014 Oct 15;30(20):2843–8751).

Eligible territory coverage will influence the “denominator” of our recurrence analysis, i.e. the number of positions in each hypothesis interval where a mutation could have possibly been detected. If we do not take eligible territory into account we will mis-estimate the background mutation rate in a given region.

To define eligible territory for this whole exome analysis, we will choose the portion of cds (protein coding) bases that are captured in at least 95% of whole exomes, which represents about 24MB of genome.

eligible = exomecov %Q% which(score>0.95) # %Q% is a gUtils operator for subsetting on GRanges metadata
eligible = reduce(GenomicRanges::intersect(eligible, cds, ignore.strand = TRUE)) # we intersect and reduce / collapse our prelim eligible intervals with CDS boundaries

We define “events” as nonsynonymous mutations. In this simple model, we will lump together SNVs (of different flavors), and indels (of different flavors). (We discuss more complex models that subdivide mutation types later in the tutorial).

events = mutations %Q% (Variant_Classification != 'Silent')  ## using gUtils operator %Q% to subset mutations GRanges

Now that we have loaded our hypotheses (i.e. genes), events, and eligible, we are ready to create and analyze a basic FishHook object. Under the hood, object creation triggers counting of how many events are in the eligible portion of each hypothesis interval. We provide the idcol parameter so that each tumor sample (as defined by the Tumor_Sample_Barcode column in the events GRanges) will provide at most one event to the counts of each interval.

fish = Fish(hypotheses = genes[, 'gene_name'], events = events, eligible = eligible, idcol = 'Tumor_Sample_Barcode')
## FishHook object spanning 19796 hypotheses, 0 covariates, and 56809 events. 
##  Covering 24.58 MB of eligible territory.

Run basic model without covariates

We can score this basic FishHook object, i.e. compute p values for every hypothesis, using a simple glm that models a uniform mutation density along the genome, i.e. the glm fits only an intercept and applies no covariates (after correcting for the number of eligible bases in each interval).

The $res field of the FishHook contains a data.table of scoring results. $res has one row per input hypothesis, with P values, FDRs, effect sizes (fold enrichment above background), observed and predicted event counts and densities, and additional interval annotations provided by the user in the hypotheses GRanges.

head(fish$res %Q% order(p))
fish$qqp(plotly = FALSE)
seqnames start end strand width gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7565097 7590856
25760 TP53 14970 1.1e-29 0.00000 99 5.58 2.070 0.0878 0.00184 1127 1 1
2 79384132 79386879
2748 REG3A 2447 9e-08 0.00079 16 4.05 0.964 0.0305 0.00184 525 1 1
19 10596796 10614417
17622 KEAP1 16561 1.2e-07 0.00079 30 3.60 2.480 0.0222 0.00184 1350 1 1
8 88882973 88886296
3324 DCAF4L2 8280 4.3e-06 0.01800 21 3.27 2.180 0.0177 0.00184 1185 1 1
14 19553365 19590078
36714 POTEG 12711 4.5e-06 0.01800 13 3.59 1.080 0.0221 0.00184 587 1 1
7 53103349 53104617
1269 POM121L12 7260 5.9e-06 0.01900 15 3.48 1.340 0.0205 0.00184 730 1 1

## $rect
## $rect$w
## [1] 7.479725
## $rect$h
## [1] 5.233331
## $rect$left
## [1] 23.15723
## $rect$top
## [1] 4.054987
## $text
## $text$x
## [1] 24.81427
## $text$y
## [1] 0.835282

You will notice that this Q-Q plot appears curved and inflated, though its slope (lambda) is reasonably near 1. The low alpha value (MLE of the alpha parameter of the Gamma distribution), suggests that the GLM is detecting additional variance in the data that is unmodeled by a pure Poisson regression. Adding covariates to the model should improve the quality of the fit.

The top hits in the plot (you can hover over them) include TP53 but also many unlikely cancer gene candidates. Among these are olfactory receptors, which are located in late replicating regions of the human genome and thus accumulate neutral mutations more frequently (Lawrence et al 2013 Nature Jul 11;499(7457):214-218).

Add covariates to FishHook model

To address these issues, we will load in data specifying replication timing, chromatin state, and nucleotide context. These are all important determinants of somatic neutral mutation density. We load these data in as GRanges objects using functions in data.table, rtracklayer, and gUtils packages (however you are free to use any GRanges import utility of your choice).

We first load in replication timing data as a GRanges then instantiate it as a Covariate Replication timing information is contained in the $score metadata field of reptime. We instantiate it as a covariate of type “numeric” by specifying field score.

## replication timing for NHEK obtained from and
## converted to rds via rtracklayer::import
reptimedata = readRDS(gzcon(file('')))

## instantiate covariate around 'score' field, name the Covariate "replication timing"
reptime = Cov(data = reptimedata, field = 'score', name = 'ReplicationTiming') 

Below, context is a GRanges object with 98 columns representing tri, di, and mononucleotide context counts in the hg19 genome. Code for computing context (e.g. for another genome) is provided here.

We instantiate a numeric Covariate object from context, choosing only two of the columns here to take into account G and C content. Note that the covariate object can be vectorized (concatenated, subsetted) and instantiated around several columns of an input GRanges. As a result, contextcov will be length 2 (representing G and C nucleotide fraction).

context = readRDS(gzcon(file('')))
gc = Cov(data = context, field = c('C', 'G')) ## instantiate Covariate around G and C fields

Finally we load in chromHMM data for cell line A549 from Epigenomics Roadmap. We will want to create a covariate that will model the fraction of heterochromatic and quiescent regions in each query interval.

To do so, we will create an “interval” covariate by not specifying a metadata field.

### data cached from
chromhmm = gr.sub(import(''), 'chr', '') ## import from bed then gUtils::gr.sub to strip 'chr' identifier
hetchromdata = chromhmm %Q% (name %in% c('8_ZNF/Rpts', '9_Het', '15_Quies')) # %Q% is gUtils operator for subsetting on GRanges metadata, in this case selecting for heterochromatic regions
hetchrom = Cov(hetchromdata, name = 'Heterochromatin') ## instantiate interval covariate

We now add these covariates to the model. For type numeric covariates, e.g. replication timing, this will trigger the calculation of the average value of each covariate within the eligible subset of each hypothesis interval. and the fractional overlap of of its eligible subset This annotation is the most computationally intensive and slowest aspect of fishHook analyses, though occurs within a few seconds for this small number of covariates.

## note how we can concatenate Covariate objects with c() operator
fish$covariates = c(reptime, gc, hetchrom)
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:12: Aggregating covariates over eligible subset of hypotheses
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:12: Overlapping with covered intervals
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:14: Finished overlapping with covered intervals
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:14: Annotating track ReplicationTiming
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:16: Annotating track C
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:17: Annotating track G
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:18: Annotating track Heterochromatin

Now that we’ve added covariates, we can re-score fish and compute p values. Looking at these results, we see an improvement in lambda (closer to one) and alpha (increased), and the nominated gene list (no more olfactory receptors, We see also a reasonable number of significant (fdr<0.25) genes at the top of the list (or at the top right of the QQ plot) that have been biologically implicated in lung adenocarcinoma tumorigenesis.

fish$res %Q% (fdr<0.25) %Q% order(p)
fish$qqp(plotly = FALSE)
seqnames start end strand width gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7565097 7590856
25760 TP53 14970 1.8e-55 0.000 99 6.21 1.340 0.08780 0.001190 1127 1 1
19 10596796 10614417
17622 KEAP1 16561 4.7e-13 0.000 30 4.05 1.810 0.02220 0.001340 1350 1 1
7 55086714 55324313
237600 EGFR 7263 3.8e-06 0.019 33 2.68 5.140 0.00901 0.001400 3661 1 1
1 157800704 157868046
67343 CD5L 1360 3.9e-06 0.019 14 3.11 1.620 0.01340 0.001560 1041 1 1
7 142457319 142460923
3605 PRSS1 7746 7e-06 0.026 15 3.03 1.840 0.02020 0.002480 741 1 1
14 19553365 19590078
36714 POTEG 12711 8e-06 0.026 13 3.06 1.560 0.02210 0.002650 587 1 1
21 44513066 44527697
14632 U2AF1 18408 1.2e-05 0.034 8 3.41 0.754 0.01180 0.001110 677 1 1
7 140419127 140624564
205438 BRAF 7728 2.8e-05 0.069 20 2.64 3.220 0.00937 0.001510 2134 1 1
1 175284330 175712906
428577 TNR 1552 0.00014 0.210 31 2.25 6.530 0.00761 0.001600 4073 1 1
14 20215587 20216528
942 OR4Q3 12714 0.00014 0.210 17 2.44 3.140 0.01810 0.003350 939 1 1
19 43256838 43359843
103006 PSG8 17153 0.00014 0.210 12 2.69 1.860 0.00929 0.001440 1292 1 1
2 113730780 113743242
12463 IL36G 2626 0.00015 0.210 5 3.36 0.486 0.00986 0.000958 507 1 1
2 131486643 131487909
1267 GPR148 2697 0.00015 0.210 10 2.86 1.380 0.00992 0.001360 1008 1 1
6 136578001 136610989
32989 BCLAF1 6827 0.00015 0.210 19 2.42 3.550 0.00689 0.001290 2758 1 1
1 175036994 175117202
80209 TNN 1550 0.00016 0.210 24 2.27 4.960 0.00685 0.001420 3502 1 1
7 27132612 27135615
3004 HOXA1 7126 0.00019 0.240 9 2.91 1.200 0.00896 0.001190 1005 1 1

## $rect
## $rect$w
## [1] 14.02698
## $rect$h
## [1] 9.814243
## $rect$left
## [1] 43.42754
## $rect$top
## [1] 7.604454
## $text
## $text$x
## [1] 46.53505
## $text$y
## [1] 1.566433

Note that this model is still quite rudimentary (e.g. we have lumped together SNVs and indels, we have not substratified SNVs by mutational context, we have employed very few covariates) but we still get a reasonable gene list and minimal statistical inflation.

Merge additional covariates

We may notice that some of the significantly mutated genes are not known to be expressed in lung adenocarcinoma tissues. We also know that genes that are more highly expressed in a given tissue have lower mutation rates. We want to merge in gene expression into the model, but not start from scratch (i.e. create a new model). We can do this using the $merge function.

## load GRanges of lung adenocarcinoma average gene experssion
exprdata = readRDS(gzcon(file(''))) 

# log transform expression values
exprdata$log.tpm = log10(exprdata$tpm+0.01) 

## create Covariate for log gene expression, using log.tpm field in the exprdata object
expr = Cov(exprdata, field = 'log.tpm', name = 'LungExpression') 

## merge / append this new covariate into the FishHook object
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:22: Appending new Covariates to this fishHook object
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:22: Overlapping with covered intervals
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:22: Finished overlapping with covered intervals
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:22: Annotating track LungExpression

## look at the $data field to see the new merged covariate data as an additional column
## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 10 metadata columns:
##       seqnames        ranges strand |       hid     count  eligible
##          <Rle>     <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <numeric> <numeric>
##   [1]        1   69091-70008      + |         1      <NA>         0
##   [2]        1 367640-368634      + |         2      <NA>         0
##   [3]        1 621059-622053      - |         3      <NA>         0
##   [4]        1 860260-879955      + |         4         0       193
##   [5]        1 879584-894689      - |         5         1       634
##   [6]        1 895967-901095      + |         6      <NA>         0
## ReplicationTiming                 C                 G
##       <integer>         <numeric>         <numeric>         <numeric>
##   [1]         1              <NA>              <NA>              <NA>
##   [2]         2              <NA>              <NA>              <NA>
##   [3]         3              <NA>              <NA>              <NA>
##   [4]         4  1.69339861733204            0.3204             0.353
##   [5]         5  1.69542176470588 0.333717647058824 0.289047058823529
##   [6]         6              <NA>              <NA>              <NA>
##       Heterochromatin    LungExpression frac.eligible
##             <numeric>         <numeric>     <numeric>
##   [1]            <NA>              <NA>             0
##   [2]            <NA>              <NA>             0
##   [3]            <NA>              <NA>             0
##   [4]               0 0.645780413675521      0.009799
##   [5]               0  1.76972436511895       0.04197
##   [6]            <NA>              <NA>             0
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 24 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

Subset the FishHook object

Now that we’ve merged gene expression into this model, we would like to apply it both as a covariate and as a gene filter. We would like to exclude from the analysis genes that are known to have poor expression in lung adenocarcinoma tissue, because these genes are unlikely to harbor driver alterations.

The dimension of the fish object is hypotheses by covariates. To subset rows (i.e. hypotheses) from this model we can use the subsetting feature of the FishHook object via the [ operator. We will use this functionality to apply a strict “expression filter” and keep only genes that are expressed >10 TPM in lung adenocarcinoma. We will then re-score this subsetted model.

fish = fish[which(fish$data$LungExpression>1), ] ## subset for high lung expression
## FishHook object spanning 8765 hypotheses, 5 covariates, and 56809 events. 
##  Covering 24.58 MB of eligible territory.
## 5 Covariates with features:
##                 name     type   class   field signature na.rm pad grep
## 1: ReplicationTiming  numeric GRanges   score      <NA>    NA   0   NA
## 2:                 C  numeric GRanges       C      <NA>    NA   0   NA
## 3:                 G  numeric GRanges       G      <NA>    NA   0   NA
## 4:   Heterochromatin interval GRanges    <NA>      <NA>    NA   0   NA
## 5:    LungExpression  numeric GRanges log.tpm      <NA>    NA   0   NA

This object now contains 8765 hypotheses (i.e. genes), which we can re-score to obtain P values and FDRs.

fish$res %Q% (fdr<0.25) %Q% order(p)
fish$qqp(plotly = FALSE)
seqnames start end strand width gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7565097 7590856
25760 TP53 6855 3.7e-62 0.00000 99 6.23 1.320 0.08780 0.00117 1127 1 1
19 10596796 10614417
17622 KEAP1 7532 5.5e-15 0.00000 30 4.21 1.620 0.02220 0.00120 1350 1 1
7 55086714 55324313
237600 EGFR 3414 7.8e-08 0.00023 33 2.86 4.540 0.00901 0.00124 3661 1 1
7 140419127 140624564
205438 BRAF 3636 9.1e-07 0.00200 20 2.89 2.690 0.00937 0.00126 2134 1 1
21 44513066 44527697
14632 U2AF1 8281 4.4e-06 0.00770 8 3.50 0.709 0.01180 0.00105 677 1 1
6 136578001 136610989
32989 BCLAF1 3197 2.9e-05 0.04200 19 2.55 3.250 0.00689 0.00118 2758 1 1
7 41724712 41742706
17995 INHBA 3384 5.3e-05 0.06600 13 2.60 2.150 0.01020 0.00169 1273 1 1
6 291630 351355
59726 DUSP22 2814 7.2e-05 0.07900 10 2.90 1.340 0.01750 0.00235 572 1 1
X 47004268 47046212
41945 RBM10 8583 9.9e-05 0.09600 7 3.05 0.844 0.01330 0.00160 526 1 1
4 177604689 177713881
109193 VEGFC 2412 0.00012 0.10000 10 2.74 1.500 0.00928 0.00139 1078 1 1
21 27838528 27945603
107076 CYYR1 8224 0.00013 0.10000 6 3.27 0.621 0.01250 0.00130 479 1 1
5 17065707 17276943
211237 BASP1 2463 0.00024 0.18000 4 3.87 0.274 0.01810 0.00124 221 1 1

## $rect
## $rect$w
## [1] 15.72487
## $rect$h
## [1] 11.0022
## $rect$left
## [1] 48.6842
## $rect$top
## [1] 8.524932
## $text
## $text$x
## [1] 52.16786
## $text$y
## [1] 1.756041

To inspect the parameters of this model and see which features it is using, we can employ the$modelaccessor:

## Call:
## glm.nb(formula = formula, data =, maxit = iter, 
##     init.theta = 4.955847251, link = log)
## Deviance Residuals: 
##     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
## -2.8185  -0.9986  -0.2746   0.4495  16.4831  
## Coefficients:
##                   Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)       -6.86048    0.07620 -90.029  < 2e-16 ***
## ReplicationTiming -0.28667    0.01850 -15.497  < 2e-16 ***
## C                  0.01459    0.57485   0.025  0.97975    
## G                  1.04825    0.58157   1.802  0.07148 .  
## Heterochromatin    0.36417    0.03067  11.874  < 2e-16 ***
## LungExpression     0.08789    0.02673   3.289  0.00101 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for Negative Binomial(4.9558) family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 9604.1  on 8764  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 9082.1  on 8759  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 27326
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 1
##               Theta:  4.956 
##           Std. Err.:  0.268 
##  2 x log-likelihood:  -27312.243

We can see from the Estimate and Pr(|>z|) columns of the Coefficients table that replication timing and lung gene expression are significantly negatively correlated and heterochromatin is significantly positively correlated with mutational density (as expected). However, this table shows that G and C content are not significantly correlated with mutation density. We can use the column subsetting function to remove these covariates and re-score to see how the results change.

fish2 = fish[, -c(2:3)] ## remove the 2nd and 3rd covariates ('G', 'C')
fish2$score() ## re-score
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:25: Setting up problem
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:25: Fitting model with 8,765 data points and 3 covariates
## FishHook 2019-12-05 15:19:25: Computing p values for 8765 hypotheses.

## check if our new top genes are identical to the previous - they are
identical((fish2$res %Q% (fdr<0.25))$gene_name, (fish2$res %Q% (fdr<0.25))$gene_name)
## [1] TRUE

The results are identical with and without G and C covariates. This further suggests that these covariates are not necessary in the model and can likely be excluded.

Analyze Reactome pathways

Read in and parse reactome pathways into list of gene symbols, then match against genes in our model.

## parse Reactome pathways from .gmt format
pathways = strsplit(readLines(''), '\t')
pathways = structure(lapply(pathways, '[', -1), names = sapply(pathways, '[', 1))

## match them to create sets of indices as a named list
sets = sapply(sapply(pathways, match, fish$hypotheses$gene_name), setdiff, NA)

Here is what the pathways and sets look like:

## $`2-LTR circle formation`
##  [1] "R-HSA-164843" "BANF1"        "HMGA1"        "LIG4"        
##  [5] "PSIP1"        "XRCC4"        "XRCC5"        "XRCC6"       
##  [9] "gag"          "gag-pol"      "rev"          "vif"         
## [13] "vpr"          "vpu"         
## $`5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis`
## [1] "R-HSA-73843" "PRPS1"       "PRPS1L1"     "PRPS2"

## $`2-LTR circle formation`
## [1] 5005 2973 5852 4018 2573 1523 8471
## $`5-Phosphoribose 1-diphosphate biosynthesis`
## [1] 8672 8535

The list sets contains integer vectors that index fish$hypotheses.

To run a set analysis, we just set the $sets variable in the FishHook object. This triggers scoring of hypothesis sets (in this case gene sets). The results of the set analysis are shown in $setres variable.

The set analysis is a bit more computationally intensive. We can speed things up through parallelization (setting `fish$mc.cores = 5).

fish$mc.cores = 5

## this triggers scoring of gene sets using covariate corrected model
fish$sets = sets

## list table of results for top sets
values(fish$setres %Q% order(p)[1:5])
setname n p fdr effect estimate p.left p.twosided
TP53 Regulates Transcription of Genes Involved in G1 Cell Cycle Arrest 9 2.42e-37 0 10.4 [7.26-15] 10.40 1 0
TP53 regulates transcription of several additional cell death genes whose specific roles in p53-dependent apoptosis remain uncertain 10 4.63e-37 0 8.94 [6.37-12.6] 8.94 1 0
Regulation of TP53 Activity through Association with Co-factors 8 4.8e-37 0 10.2 [7.12-14.6] 10.20 1 0
RUNX3 regulates CDKN1A transcription 5 2.83e-36 0 17.3 [11.1-27] 17.30 1 0
PI5P Regulates TP53 Acetylation 8 3.88e-36 0 11 [7.53-16] 11.00 1 0

Examining the results table, we can see that most of the significant pathways appear related to TP53. Indeed, if we inspect the hypotheses (i.e. genes) contributing to these these gene sets, we will see that they are dominated by TP53 and 1-2 additional genes. For example:

## pick top set in setres, 
## setres is a GRangesList, containing supporting hypotheses sorted by p value
fish$setres %Q% order(p)[1]
seqnames start end strand width gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7565097 7590856
25760 TP53 6855 3.7e-62 0.00 99 6.23 1.320 0.08780 0.00117 1127 1.00 1
19 30302805 30315215
12411 CCNE1 7670 0.016 0.97 5 1.74 1.500 0.00478 0.00143 1046 0.99 1
12 12867992 12875305
7314 CDKN1B 5324 0.097 0.97 2 1.95 0.517 0.00403 0.00104 496 0.98 1
4 122737599 122745087
7489 CCNA2 2344 0.2 0.97 2 0.59 1.330 0.00184 0.00122 1086 0.83 1
3 51991470 52002426
10957 PCBP4 1792 0.39 0.97 2 0.33 1.600 0.00182 0.00145 1098 0.77 1
20 32263489 32274210
10722 E2F1 8044 0.56 0.97 0 -Inf 0.875 0.00000 0.00110 795 0.45 1
12 56360553 56366568
6016 CDK2 5473 0.66 0.97 0 -Inf 0.865 0.00000 0.00109 795 0.45 1
12 54762917 54785082
22166 ZNF385A 5466 0.73 0.97 0 -Inf 0.842 0.00000 0.00123 687 0.46 1
6 36644305 36655116
10812 CDKN1A 2996 0.93 0.99 0 -Inf 0.445 0.00000 0.00115 388 0.65 1

This is a common challenge with pathway analysis of mutations, since many cancer pathways are usually driven by a single “celebrity” gene. We can dig a little deeper to identify significant gene sets that do not have TP53 . Here is one approach:

## these are gene sets with TP53
has.tp53 = which(grl.eval(fish$setres, 'TP53' %in% gene_name))

## we subset on gene sets that do not have TP53
values(fish$setres[-has.tp53, ] %Q% order(p)[1:5])
setname n p fdr effect estimate p.left p.twosided
Extracellular matrix organization 173 4.61e-09 1.0e-07 1.36 [1.23-1.51] 1.36 1 0e+00
GRB2 events in EGFR signaling 6 4.06e-08 1.1e-06 4.11 [2.45-6.88] 4.11 1 1e-07
GRB2 events in ERBB2 signaling 9 6.48e-08 1.7e-06 3.33 [2.13-5.2] 3.33 1 1e-07
EGFR Transactivation by Gastrin 7 1.34e-07 3.4e-06 3.73 [2.26-6.15] 3.73 1 3e-07
SHC1 events in EGFR signaling 7 1.59e-07 4.1e-06 3.56 [2.19-5.8] 3.56 1 3e-07

These sets appear interesting and are related to additional biological processes known to be important to lung adenocarcinoma biology, such EGFR signaling. The top gene set “Extracellular matrix organization” appears especially interesting, because it is not obviously associated with known targets of driver mutations in this disease. Let’s examine genes contributing to this top gene set:

## inspect the non-TP53 associated gene set (GRangesList)
fish$setres[-has.tp53, ] %Q% order(p)[1]
gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
FGB 2382 0.0034 0.84 9 2.09 2.11 0.00662 0.00155 1359 1.00 1
COL5A2 1459 0.0036 0.84 19 1.66 6.01 0.00495 0.00157 3838 1.00 1
ITGAL 6570 0.0047 0.84 16 1.64 5.15 0.00478 0.00154 3344 1.00 1
CAPN6 8682 0.0056 0.86 11 1.69 3.40 0.00580 0.00180 1895 0.99 1
COL11A1 484 0.0088 0.96 36 1.36 14.00 0.00778 0.00303 4629 0.99 1
SERPINE1 3539 0.0095 0.96 6 2.05 1.45 0.00498 0.00120 1206 1.00 1

Interesting! This significant gene set is composed of extracellular matrix genes (COL5A2, ITGAL) that are not significant on their own. This constitutes a true pathway level hit.

Analyze truncating mutations

We can run a similar analysis but choosing only truncating mutations (by subsetting the mutation GRanges). Scoring this new model, we obtain a different mutation list, containing likely candidate drivers with enrichment of frameshift, nonsense, or nonstop indels and SNVs.

## replace events with new subset of mutations (using %Q% subsetting operator from gUtils)
fish$events = mutations %Q% 
   (grepl('(Frame_Shift_)|(Nonsense)|(OutOfFrame)|(Nonstop)', Variant_Classification))

## re-score model and inspect results
fish$res %Q% (fdr<0.25) %Q% order(p)
fish$qqp(plotly = FALSE)
seqnames start end strand width gene_name hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7565097 7590856
25760 TP53 6855 1.7e-32 0.00000 33 7.54 0.1770 0.02930 0.000157 1127 1 1
X 47004268 47046212
41945 RBM10 8583 2.7e-08 0.00012 6 6.06 0.0897 0.01140 0.000171 526 1 1
3 47057919 47205457
147539 SETD2 1740 6.4e-07 0.00190 15 4.08 0.8840 0.00245 0.000145 6111 1 1
16 3115298 3131908
16611 IL32 6448 2.1e-05 0.04600 4 5.46 0.0906 0.00905 0.000205 442 1 1
1 27022524 27108595
86072 ARID1A 166 4.7e-05 0.08200 10 3.62 0.8120 0.00176 0.000143 5673 1 1
7 855528 936072
80545 SUN1 3275 0.00015 0.22000 5 4.01 0.3110 0.00224 0.000140 2228 1 1

## $rect
## $rect$w
## [1] 8.193441
## $rect$h
## [1] 5.732696
## $rect$left
## [1] 25.36689
## $rect$top
## [1] 4.441914
## $text
## $text$x
## [1] 27.18205
## $text$y
## [1] 0.9149847

Though TP53, RBM10, SETD2, and ARID1A are well known targets of truncating mutations in lung adenocarcinoma, IL32, TRIB1, SUN1 are interesting candidates that have not previously been associated with lung adenocarcinoma.

Driver discovery in cancer whole genomes

Read in data

As with whole exome sequencig read in the mutation calls and gene annotations. We can separately analyze different event types. Here we create two GRanges for point mutations and Indels.

## makeGRangesFromDataFrame
## rtracklayer::import reads gtf and gr.sub replaces chr
genes = gr.sub(import(''))

## %Q% is a gUtils subsetting operator for GRanges
genes = genes %Q% (gene_type == 'protein_coding') %Q% (level<3)

## Reading in mutation calls from WGS

mutations.wgs = readRDS("/gpfs/commons/groups/imielinski_lab/projects/FishHook/CurrentProtocols/db/de_identified_LUAD_mutations.rds")

## Separating SNVs and INDELS
snv.wgs = mutations.wgs %Q% (Variant_Type == 'SNP')
indel.wgs = mutations.wgs %Q% (Variant_Type %in% c('DEL', 'INS'))

eligible.wgs = readRDS('~/DB/fishHook/eligible/wgs.eligible.rds')

Looking into the GRanges object.

## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand | Variant_Classification Variant_Type
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> |            <character>  <character>
##   [1]        1    927349      * |                    IGR          SNP
##   [2]        1   2134667      * |                 Intron          SNP
##   [3]        1   2454284      * |                 Intron          SNP
##   [4]        1   2623503      * |                 Intron          SNP
##   [5]        1   2726119      * |                    IGR          SNP
##   [6]        1   2875213      * |                    IGR          SNP
##                                       uuid
##                                <character>
##   [1] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [2] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [3] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [4] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [5] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [6] 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 64 sequences from an unspecified genome
## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames              ranges strand | Variant_Classification
##          <Rle>           <IRanges>  <Rle> |            <character>
##   [1]        1   22042515-22042520      * |                 Intron
##   [2]        1            30450801      * |                    IGR
##   [3]        1   58913032-58913037      * |                 Intron
##   [4]        1   72171118-72171135      * |                 Intron
##   [5]        1   97150123-97150126      * |                    IGR
##   [6]        1 107471278-107471277      * |                    IGR
##       Variant_Type                                 uuid
##        <character>                          <character>
##   [1]          DEL 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [2]          INS 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [3]          DEL 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [4]          DEL 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [5]          DEL 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   [6]          DEL 86188246-6189-4332-9f74-6790fac3c3c9
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 64 sequences from an unspecified genome

Creating tiles and supertiles

Since we want to consider the whole genome, we can create contigous tiles or overlapping tiles viz. super tiles of a given size (e.g. 10 Kb). Each tile/supertile can then be annotaed by gene closest to it.

# We can use gr.tile function from gUtils package to divide genome into equal sized tiles
tiles = gr.tile(seqinfo(mutations.wgs), 1e4)

# %+% is a gUtils operator that shifts ech GRange by given distance
# Here we create additional GRanges by shifting all tiles by 5000 Kb
supertiles = c(tiles, tiles %+% 5000)

## Annotating by nearest gene
supertiles$nearest.gene = genes$gene_name[nearest(supertiles, gr.stripstrand(genes))]

tiles$nearest.gene = genes$gene_name[nearest(tiles, gr.stripstrand(genes))]

Instantiate FishHook object from events and eligible territory and run basic model

We can run a basic model wtihout the covariates. Here we use point mutations to demonstrate. We use the tiles and supertiles as the hypotheses. We can score this model and take a look at the reults

For SNVs

## Supertiles
fish.supertiles.snv = Fish(hypotheses = supertiles, events = snv.wgs, eligible = eligible.wgs, idcol = 'uuid', use_local_mut_density = TRUE, mc.cores = 40)
fish.supertiles.snv = fish.supertiles.snv[fish.supertiles.snv$data$frac.eligible > 0.75, ]
gr2dt(fish.supertiles.snv$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width nearest.gene hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7570001 7580000
10000 9 107636 TP53 86964 3.8e-10 9.6e-05 31 2.69 4.81 0.00331 0.000514 9367 1 1
p1 = fish.supertiles.snv$qqp(plotly = FALSE)

For Indels

## Supertiles
fish.supertiles.indel = Fish(hypotheses = supertiles, events = indel.wgs, eligible = eligible.wgs, idcol = 'uuid', use_local_mut_density = TRUE, mc.cores = 40)
fish.supertiles.indel = fish.supertiles.indel[fish.supertiles.indel$data$frac.eligible > 0.75, ]
gr2dt(fish.supertiles.indel$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width nearest.gene hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
2 85880001 85890000
10000 12 137301 SFTPB 111940 1.3e-12 3.0e-07 10 5.47 0.226 0.001100 2.50e-05 9057 1 1
17 7570001 7580000
10000 9 107636 TP53 86964 5.3e-10 6.7e-05 8 5.24 0.211 0.000854 2.25e-05 9367 1 1
10 81370001 81380000
10000 2 33063 SFTPA1 27038 4.6e-07 3.9e-02 5 5.23 0.133 0.000626 1.67e-05 7993 1 1
p1 = fish.supertiles.indel$qqp(plotly = FALSE)

Loading covariates

As with whole exome example, we will add covariates that influence the occurence of neutral mutations. These include replication timing, chromatin state, and nucleotide context.

## load GRanges corresponding to lung covariates
chmm = readRDS('~/DB/fishHook/covariates/A549_ChromHMM.rds')
hetchrom = chmm %Q% (type %in% c('Repress','Het', 'Repet'))
active = chmm %Q% (type %in% c('ActEnh', 'ActEnhG', 'ActProm'))
gc = readRDS('~/DB/fishHook/covariates/gc500.rds')
reptime = readRDS('~/DB/fishHook/covariates/replication.timing.rds')
dnase = readRDS('~/DB/fishHook/covariates/A549_DNAsa.rds')

covariates = c(
    Cov(hetchrom, name = 'Heterochromatin'),
    Cov(active, name = 'ActiveChromatin'),
    Cov(gc, 'score', name = 'GC'),
    Cov(reptime, 'val', name = 'ReplicationTiming'),
    Cov(dnase, name = 'OpenChromatin'))
covariates$pad = 1e5

Adding covariates to the models

For SNVs

## Supertiles
fish.supertiles.snv$covariates = covariates
fish.supertiles.snv = fish.supertiles.snv[fish.supertiles.snv$data$frac.eligible > 0.75 & fish.supertiles.snv$data$Heterochromatin<0.95,]
gr2dt(fish.supertiles.snv$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width nearest.gene hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
17 7570001 7580000
10000 9 107636 TP53 52674 1.3e-08 0.0018 31 2.81 4.42 0.00331 0.000472 9367 1 1
20 9290001 9300000
10000 13 153961 PLCB4 77354 4.2e-06 0.2400 21 2.50 3.70 0.00220 0.000387 9548 1 1
15 26950001 26960000
10000 7 90292 GABRB3 43092 5.2e-06 0.2400 25 2.31 5.05 0.00262 0.000530 9535 1 1
p1 = fish.supertiles.snv$qqp(plotly = FALSE)

For Indels

## Supertiles
fish.supertiles.indel$covariates = covariates 
fish.supertiles.indel = fish.supertiles.indel[fish.supertiles.indel$data$frac.eligible > 0.75 & fish.supertiles.indel$data$Heterochromatin<0.95, ]
gr2dt(fish.supertiles.indel$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width nearest.gene hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
2 85880001 85890000
10000 12 137301 SFTPB 68968 7.8e-15 0.0e+00 10 6.49 0.1110 0.001100 1.23e-05 9057 1 1
17 7570001 7580000
10000 9 107636 TP53 52674 4.2e-11 3.0e-06 8 6.04 0.1210 0.000854 1.29e-05 9367 1 1
10 81370001 81380000
10000 2 33063 SFTPA1 16893 2.2e-06 1.0e-01 5 5.04 0.1510 0.000626 1.89e-05 7993 1 1
1 241000001 241010000
10000 1 24101 RGS7 12353 5.1e-06 1.5e-01 5 4.77 0.1830 0.000544 1.99e-05 9190 1 1
2 85890001 85900000
10000 12 137302 SFTPB 68969 5.3e-06 1.5e-01 4 5.17 0.1110 0.000434 1.21e-05 9206 1 1
8 22020001 22030000
10000 21 261477 SFTPC 124499 7e-06 1.6e-01 4 5.34 0.0987 0.000444 1.10e-05 9009 1 1
1 114540001 114550000
10000 1 11455 OLFML3 6306 9.6e-06 1.9e-01 4 4.85 0.1390 0.000425 1.47e-05 9421 1 1
p1 = fish.supertiles.indel$qqp(plotly = FALSE)

Choice of hypotheses

Since we are dealing with WGS, we can query different types of events that can be interesting for understanding the genomic characterisitic of samples under consideration. For ecample, we can query just the accessible regions of the genome by using Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) peaks. For this demonstration we will use the lung specific ATAC peaks described in [REF] and Indels for the sample set

Loading in the peaks ans lifting to hg19

# Reading the ATAC peak annotations 
LUAD = readRDS("/gpfs/commons/groups/imielinski_lab/data/GDAN/ATAC/LUAD.fwp.filter.non_overlapping.annotated.rds")
atac.peaks.luad = gr2dt(LUAD)
atac.peaks.luad[ , peakid := 1:nrow(atac.peaks.luad)] # Adding peak IDs for query later
atac.peaks.luad[ , diff := atac.peaks.luad$end - atac.peaks.luad$start]
peaks.pos = atac.peaks.luad[atac.peaks.luad$diff > 0,] 
gr.atac.luad = dt2gr(peaks.pos)
chain38to19 = rtracklayer::import.chain("~/DB/UCSC/hg38ToHg19.over.chain")
hg19.atac = gr.sub(dt2gr(, chain38to19))))
hg19.atac$gene = hg19.atac$SYMBOL %>% as.character
hg19.atac$ann = hg19.atac$annotation %>% as.character
hg19.atac$pk = hg19.atac$peakid %>% as.character

## Indels in ATAC peaks
fish.atac = Fish(hypotheses = hg19.atac, events = indel.wgs, covariates = covariates, eligible = eligible.wgs, idcol = 'uuid', use_local_mut_density = TRUE, mc.cores = 40)
fish.atac = fish.atac[fish.atac$data$frac.eligible > 0.75 & fish.atac$data$Heterochromatin<0.95,]
gr2dt(fish.atac$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width group group_name name score annotation geneId distanceToTSS ENSEMBL SYMBOL GC AT N CTCF peakid diff gene ann pk hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
2 85885274 85885774
501 369 NA LUAD_18411 31.86810 3’ UTR 6439 5077 ENSG00000168878 SFTPB 0.4730539 0.5269461 0 FALSE 369 500 SFTPB 3’ UTR 369 343 4.5e-07 0.03 3 7.80 0.0134 0.00599 2.68e-05 501 1 1
2 85894071 85894571
501 59516 NA LUAD_18423 3.06975 Intron 6439 974 ENSG00000168878 SFTPB 0.5508982 0.4491018 0 FALSE 59516 500 SFTPB Intron 59516 44553 5.5e-07 0.03 3 7.82 0.0133 0.00599 2.65e-05 501 1 1
p1 = fish.atac$qqp(plotly = FALSE)

In order to gain power, we can collapse the neighboring ATAC peaks and run fishHook model using the collpase ATAC peaks as hypotheses.

pad = 1e3 # distance within which all peaks are merged; set to 1000 bp
reduced.atac = GenomicRanges::reduce(hg19.atac+pad, ignore.strand = T)-pad

Running a new model

fish.reduced.atac = Fish(hypotheses = reduced.atac, covariates = covariates,
               events = indel.wgs,
               eligible = eligible.wgs, idcol = "uuid", mc.cores = 40)
fish.reduced.atac = fish.reduced.atac[fish.reduced.atac$data$frac.eligible > 0.75 & fish.reduced.atac$data$Heterochromatin<0.95,]          
gr2dt(fish.reduced.atac$res)[order(p), ][fdr<0.25, ][, p:= as.character(p)] %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width hid p fdr count effectsize count.pred count.density count.pred.density eligible p.neg fdr.neg
2 85883214 85896852
13639 32965 8e-11 5.1e-06 12 5.90 0.2010 0.000955 1.6e-05 12572 1 1
10 81374144 81375818
1675 8401 1.3e-07 4.2e-03 4 6.93 0.0329 0.002430 2.0e-05 1646 1 1
gr2dt(genes %&% (fish.reduced.atac$res %Q% (order(p)) %Q% (fdr < 0.25))) %>% kable() %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
    scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "200px")
seqnames start end strand width source type score phase gene_id transcript_id gene_type gene_status gene_name transcript_type transcript_status transcript_name level havana_gene tag
2 85884437 85895864
11428 HAVANA gene NA NA ENSG00000168878.12 ENSG00000168878.12 protein_coding KNOWN SFTPB protein_coding KNOWN SFTPB 2 OTTHUMG00000130181.5 NA
10 81370695 81375196
4502 HAVANA gene NA NA ENSG00000122852.10 ENSG00000122852.10 protein_coding KNOWN SFTPA1 protein_coding KNOWN SFTPA1 2 OTTHUMG00000018565.3 NA
p1 = fish.reduced.atac$qqp(plotly = FALSE)